Hope United Methodist Church a people-loving, Bible-believing, Jesus-following church in the tradition of John and Charles Wesley. We are far from perfect, but by the grace of God we are alive in Jesus Christ, and he is changing us from the inside out. Everybody needs Jesus, and there's a place for you here.
We are located at the corner of State Route 2 and Garfield Road in Eagle Mills, just five miles east from downtown Troy, NY. Our services are Sundays at 10:30 am and there is a prayer meeting Sundays at 4 pm. Sunday school is available for young children during the 10:30 service. We provide many small group opportunities for discipleship, service, and prayer. Please join us!
We are also home to Small World Nursery School (279-0085).

Dave Martin

Judy King
Choir Director
Small World Nursery School
Sunday School